Exchanging our names gives us a sort of familiarity and we become comfortable for further communication

Keywords: blog , blogging , blogpost , brand , branding , brandvalue , company , companyname , identity , name , namechanges , nicknames , rebranding

Most of the common names are easy to pronounce but the uncommon names are not pronounced properly since they are either long or complicated to interpret. The pronunciation of names varies with geographical location or even within the states of a country. A person in the USA may not pronounce an Asian person’s name and vice versa. This may sometimes lead to name shaming too. Pronouncing a person’s name wrong is the last thing you want to do. If there is nothing in a name, then why we are annoyed when somebody misspells or mispronounces your name? Just because we are very much possessive about our name as it’s our only first identity in the society.


PS: I posted the following comment to Ashish’s post earlier today (it has yet to be approved):

Hi Ashish 🙂

Excellent post — I plan to “review” it later today. 😀

Note that (in many languages) “noun” seems to be related to “name” — I think maybe the Latin root is something like “nomen” (but I know very little about Latin 😉 ) .. for example, in the English, there’s a word “nomenclature” that basically refers to names.

I have been working in the field of natural language search for the most of my life now. I distinguish between “rational” concepts (words) and “irrational” concepts (names) … for example IMHO “Google” is an irrational concept. You can read more about this here:


🙂 Norbert

What’s In A Name?

Game of Thrones, gracie beswick, names

As Game of Thrones ended this year, it was revealed that 2,542 children born in 2018 were named after the young heroine Arya. Baby names are always going in and out of fashion, while increasingly unusual new names become concocted (Abcde being a memorable one). Naming culture is constantly evolving and broadening.

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