The name came to me in that moment of frustration when I realized I would never be satisfied with my artwork

Keywords: Art , Artist , Painter , Illustrator , First blog post , Welcome , Forgetful Goldfish , Forgetful Goldfish Art , Lainey , Freelancer

I now choose to release my artwork out into the world and never give it a second thought. The attention span of a goldfish is 7 seconds, and I will only allow myself 7 seconds to critique a finished piece. After that I move on.

A place by which to measure time and, Lord willing, growth

Keywords: blogging , writing , discipline

Back in January, I bought and set up the domain for a new blog, deciding that the prestigious First Post would be on the poetic difficulty & indecision of naming an unwritten work.

Abby Style may sound like a simple name, but it started when I was just a little girl

Keywords: blogname , fashion , new , style

When I was about elementary school-aged, I started drawing fashion designs just for the fun of it! So my love for fashion started at a young age. Eventually, I made so many designs that I decided to make a name for my little fashion line. That is how Abby Style was born.

In titling my own work, words with the depth of meaning I seek are sometimes elusive — art often expresses things that language does awkwardly or inadequately

Keywords: art, art process, artist, titles, titling

Thanks to my artist friends for their contributions. Your opinions on the topic are welcome, whether you are someone who makes art or simply enjoys the art others create.

Exciting guest posts happening soon on this blog!

Guest post, Just for fun

Samantha Henthorn Finds The Right Words

Hello from Bury on this Thursday afternoon. Now that serialising Curmudgeon Avenue has come to an end, I have been asking if anyone would like to guest post on my blog to talk about character and title names. And to illustrate bits of book number two of Curmudgeon Avenue The Harold and Edith Adventures I cannot contain myself about the talented folks who have already said yes.

Illustrations coming soon from Lyndsey Prince at


Here is a sketch Lyndsey Prince did of Wantha Rose, my sassy Mancunian character in the Curmudgeon Avenue series.

Kerry Howarth, at has very kindly offered to illustrate a chapter. I predict big things, she is so talented. Please give her a follow on her Instagram, here is a snippet Seven from Stranger Things:

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What’s in a Name? // Why I Started This Blog

debt free journey, Finance, Goal Setting, Intentional Living, Minimalism, purpose

Sloth Renovations

I umm’d and ahh’d about the title of this blog.

You see, sloth renovations started as a hashtag for my personal Insta posts after buying my first home. It was an inside joke between myself and my parents, that we would eventually complete the renovations, just at a sloth-like pace. The simple #slothrenovations, changed to a Insta page after realising a few people were interested in the transformation. On the Insta page, I’d made began to make note of the debts I managed and the goals I had set, but predominately tried to stick renovations, despite long periods of time between small renovation projects. The problem is minimalism, personal finance and goal setting are all things I love TALKING about, they aren’t something you can always photograph. I was on the wrong platform, so I moved to Facebook. However, something about Facebook still didn’t feel quite right… so the day after…

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